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Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is the second most common lethal,autosomal recessive disease In Caucasians, second only to cysticfibrosis. in an effort to identify the causative gene in SMA,we have used radiation hybrid (RH) mapping to prepare a highresolution physical map of the proximal region of chromosome5 (5q11–13) which contains the SMA gene. The map of theSMA region, which spans -4 Mb, contains 19 loci Including 9polymorphic DNA markers, 8 monomorphic sequence tagged sites(STS) and two genes. Based upon the RH map the two polymorphicloci which most closely flank the SMA locus were estimated tobe separated by  相似文献   
Morphologic studies on human hysterectomy specimens indicate the IUD elicits a vascular reaction which is most pronounced in the endometrium adjacent to the device. This reaction includes increased vascularity, congestion and increased permeability, and degeneration with defect formation. In addition, there is poor hemostatic responsiveness to vascular permeability and damage. The reaction leads to interstitial hemorrhage which undoubtedly causes metrorrhagia. A likely cause for initial vascular damage is mechanical stress transmitted by the IUD through the endometrium to its vascular network. Vascular reaction and poor hemostatic responsiveness may be perpetuated during each cycle by the products released from endothelial cell degeneration and necrosis. Bleeding is one of the most frequent complications leading to discontinuation of an otherwise effective form of long-term contraception and family spacing. Therefore, its solution could be of crucial importance to world-wide population control. Our findings suggest that better understanding of the mechanism of IUD-induced metrorrhagia should result from closer study of the endometrium adjacent to that which is compressed by the IUD.  相似文献   
This article examines drug substitution with regard to hallucinogens (ayahuasca, ibogaine, peyote and LSD) set within the concept of redemption. The model examines both religious and secular approaches to the contemporary use of hallucinogens in drug substitution, both by scientists and in religious settings worldwide. The redemptive model posits that the proper use of one psychoactive substance within a spiritual or clinical context helps to free an individual from the adverse effects of their addiction to another substance and thus restores them as functioning members of their community or group. Data is drawn from the U.S., Brazil, Peru, and West Africa. Two principle mechanisms for this are proposed: the psychological mechanism of suggestibility is examined in terms of the individual reaching abstinence goals from addictive substances such as alcohol and opiates. Neurophysiological and neurochemical mechanisms to understand the efficacy of such substitution are highlighted from ongoing research on hallucinogens. Research by two of the authors with the U?aio do Vegetal (UDV) Church in Brazil is examined in terms of the model.  相似文献   
This qualitative study examined how adolescents conceptualize sexual behavior. Open-ended interviews about sex were conducted with a sample of 21 male and 18 female African- American adolescents. Topics related to health risk virtually never emerged in their responses. The topic of partner infidelity and concerns about control of infidelity, on the other hand, were mentioned extensively. Informants described a cycle in which commitment to a partner often leads to suspicion of infidelity and jealousy. The jealous partner then performs acts of surveillance which can lead either to reassurance or to discovery of infidelity. The article concludes by discussing the degree of uniqueness of fidelity management to African- American adolescents and possible relevance to design of AIDS risk-reduction interventions.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION Esophageal hematomas develop from the dissection of the mucosa from the muscular layers of the esophageal wall and represent an uncommon condition affecting all ages[t-3]. Although the most common cause of esophageal hematomas is iatrogenic mechanical injury-induced by prolonged nasogastric intubation, difficult or forceful endoscopic intubation, or the result of variceal injection sclerotherapy- some may be spontaneous,particularly in patients receiving anticoagulants[3-6]. Presenting symptoms most commonly include dysphagia, hematemesis, and sub-sternal or epigastric pain[5,9].  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to relate dose-dependent hepatotoxicitystemming from prolonged exposure to sublethal concentrationsof the cyclic heptapeptide microcystin-LR (Mcyst) to hepaticMcyst concentrations and protein phosphatase activity. Mcystis a potent inhibitor of protein phosphatase types 1 and 2A(PP1 and PP2A). Twenty male Sprague-Dawley rats were infusedcontinuously with 0, 3, 6, or 9 µg Mcyst/days for 28 daysusing intraperitoneal mini-osmotic pumps containing highly purifiedtoxin or saline. At the end of 28 days, dose-dependent increasesin several serum biochemical tests including sorbitol dehydrogenase,aspartate amhotransferase, -glutamyl transferase, alkaline phosphatase,and bile acids had occurred. Serum albumin decreased in a dose-dependentfashion. Liver activity of both PP1 and PP2A decreased in adose-dependent manner, but with a relatively greater effecton PP2A than PP1. Liver cytosol Mcyst concentrations, measuredby direct competitive ELISA, also increased in a dose-dependentmanner, although at a higher rate than would be predicted fromthe incremental increase in dose given. This disproportionalincrease is suggestive of the bioaccumulation of Mcyst withincreasing dose. Histopathological abnormalities included hepatocellularapoptosis and cytosolic vacuolation of principally zone 3 hepatocytes.Immunohistochemical stains revealed Mcyst predominantly withinpericanalicular regions of zone 3 hepatocytes. It was concludedthat prolonged exposure to sublethal concentrations of Mcystresults in multiple dose-depen-dent hepatotoxic effects thatcorrespond to decreased hepatic serine/threonine protein phosphataseactivity and increasing cytosolic Mcyst concentrations. Thedisproportional increase of hepatic Mcyst concentrations observedmay suggest the bioaccumulation of toxin and an increasing relativerisk of hepatotoxicity with increasing dose.  相似文献   
The induction of anaemia and reticulocytosis by arylhydrazines was influenced by substituents on the benzene ring of phenylhydrazine. Arylhydrazines with ortho substituents, which would hinder the binding by haemoglobin of a ligand derived from the arylhydrazine, resulted in the least anaemia and reticulocytosis. These results are consistent with a previous finding that hydrazinobenzoic acid, which did not produce a ferrihaemochrome from ferrihaemoglobin, did not induce anaemia. The parallelism between the formation of a ferrihaemoglobin compound and the induction of anaemia supports the hypothesis that destabilization of haemoglobin by the binding of a ligand derived from the aryl portion of an arylhydrazine is an essential step in arylhydrazine-induced haemolytic anaemia.  相似文献   
Background Little is known about the influence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) on coronary artery calcification (CAC) in China. In this article, we aimed to explore the distribution of CAC in populations with and without MetS, and estimate the influence of MetS and its components on CAC in a community-based population of Beijing. Methods A total of 1647 local residents of Beijing, age 40-77 years, were recruited for a cardiovascular risk factors survey and were determined fasting plasma glucose (FPG), blood lipids, and 64 multi-detector computed tomography (64-MDCT) coronary artery calcium score (CACS) measurement (Agatston scoring). The distribution of CAC was described, and the influence of MetS components on CAC was evaluated. Results In this population, the prevalence and extent of CAC increased with increasing age and both were higher in MetS subjects compared to nonMetS subjects (all P 〈0.05), with the exception of those older than 65 years old. The risk of CAC increased with increasing numbers of MetS components, and the odds ratios for predicting positive CAC in subjects with 1, 2, 3, and 〉4 MetS components were 1.60, 1.84, 2.12, and 3.12, respectively (all P 〈0.05). Elevated blood pressure, elevated FPG, elevated triglycerides, and overweight increased the risk of CAC, yielding odds ratios of 2.64, 1.67, 1.32, and 1.37, respectively (all P 〈0.05). Conclusions In the Beijing community-based population, MetS increases the risk of CAC. The risk of CAC increases with increasing numbers of MetS components. Not only the number, but also the variety of risk factors for MetS is correlated with the risk of CAC. Elevated blood pressure, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia and overweight increase the risk of CAC.  相似文献   
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